


- author -

Ulleungdo + Dokdo 
"Two Dots in the Eastsee -
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

Gwangju Koreas Wiege der Demokratie 
   - Korea's Cradle of Democracy"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

Koreas demilitarisierte Zone
 "Korea's Demilitarised Zone -
 Forgotten War, Peace in Nature"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

Das Inselreich Sinan - Sonne, Wind und Wattenmeer 
 "The archipelago Sinan -
 Sun, Wind and Wadden Sea"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

Singapore - Green Path in the Business Jungle
 "Singapore -
 Green Path in the Business Jungle"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

DMZ - No-man's-land at 38th Parallel
 "DMZ -
 No-man's-land at 38th Parallel"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

The Sound of the Growing Grass
 "The Sound of the Growing Grass" (21')
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

 "Yeosu=Beautiful Water" (11')
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

 Temple of Reflections on a Smooth Sea"
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: Deutschlandfunk

 "Bach in Texas" (30')
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: mdr

 "A german pianist in Korea" (8')
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: SWR

 "Exportidee Musikausbildung" (60')
 author: Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: mdr

- coauthor, sound engineer -

 "sound of electric vehicles" 
 author: Richard Fuchs, Bodo Hartwig
 broadcaster: DW, SWR

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 "Schalom Mascha"
 author: Juri Rescheto
 broadcaster: WDR

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 "Die Verlierer von Afghanistan" 
 author: Juri Rescheto
 broadcaster: WDR, DW Radio

 author: Zohar Schlesinger (Israel)
 for the series ‘International Radio Art’ on SFB,
 also broadcast on ABC Classic FM




© Bodo Hartwig, 2001-22